Nathan - I didn’t go to college right after High School and found myself stuck in jobs that did not pay very well. I tried sales and found out I couldn’t sell well, and opening my own business also did not work well.
I went to college while also working full time when I was 27, and graduated with my Masters when I was 32. That decision changed my life, and I was able to leverage the degree to earn six figures after a couple of years from graduating. This was only my experience, and I am sure there are many others that did not go so well.
Here are a couple of things I’d advise - but again, my opinion only:
- There is absolutely no need to get into crazy debt for a degree. Unless you want to be on Wall Street, your local public college will do just fine. I went to community college for two years then got scholarships to finish the other two years of my bachelors degree. I then paid full price for my Master’s at a local public college. My only regret is not going to an even cheaper school for my Master’s. Both degrees cost me $40K in total, and that’s a $450 monthly payment for 10 years.
- If you decide to go, pay attention and learn some things in class, but focus on making connections as well. Those people will help your professional life long after you graduate. One recommendation from someone you know within the organization will almost always at least land you the interview.
- Pass all your classes but don’t kill yourself over grades. I was obsessed with a high GPA, which I was very proud of, but two jobs after graduation and it just looks silly to leave GPA on your resume!
I know that as a 17 year old who dreams of financial independence through entrepreneurship, going to college might seem counterintuitive. I was once there and used to think the same way. I still want to be financially independent. What college ended up doing for me was opening the doors for high-income jobs that then allowed me to save enough capital to invest in real estate. One can absolutely do this without a college degree, of course, but I was not one of those people.
Good luck! And good for you for asking these types of questions at such a young age.