@Jeff Z.
I would recommend reading the GA Landlord/Tenant guide. The link is below.
You can be charged up to 3 times what was wrongly withheld plus court costs. If you have less than 10 rentals then the rules are not as strict and the judge probably wouldn’t charge the extra. I would still recommend following the stated procedures even if you have less than 10.
In regards to the move in/out checklists, the move out checklist is meaningless in the courts eyes without the move in checklist/pictures. Who is to say the property was not like that when tenant moved in. When you do the move in checklist you are also supposed to document things that are already broken to make the before/after condition comparison very clear.
At the end of the day the courts are generally tenant friendly and you are seen more as a business. If you follow the procedures and have the correct documentation you are generally fine. If you cut corners you are putting yourself in a bad spot.