@Shane Melanson Tons of goodies and details in your post will have to reread it a few times. Thanks for the valuable input. Wow investing for 15 years, could kill for that experience! Fully agree with being close to the property as that is one of my biggest factors however the cash flow numbers look so much better outside of Texas such as TN or Arkansas. I have kept that option open-ended and working with a few turnkey investors.
Agree on the tenants, I was expecting if I go with PM then I would definitely review the tenants and vet it fully. Working in the corporate world and being on the recruiter side for a few years definitely will help with vetting the right tenants.
Interesting point on the SF and agree, the numbers just not working out at the moment and stopping me right on the spot! I might have to expand beyond SF, I just wanted to be safe and conservative but numbers not working out these days after looking at a dozen properties.
I will have to look at your math a few times to understand it but it is a bit close to my estimates too. Yes, the agent is pretty tough at this point as there are plenty but I want an investor-friendly one especially for a newbie like me. I had a horrible experience with the last agent so don't want to repeat it.
Best replies to the post to date, thanks again!