@Amanda Sutherlin
I live in Little Rock. The news this morning just p'd me off. Unfortunately, this is not the first event that has happened recently that has people wondering what they can do to protect themselves.
A young mother was shot dead about a year ago as she sat at a red light. Gang bangers and some kind of initiation are suspected. People are blocked in the parking lot of a popular mall frequently and robbed. I know these probably do not make the national news. they are just incidences of "what can you do?"
I can only offer a personal story; a disgrunteled employ jumped on me over 20 years ago. It was a complete and total surprise. It changed me because I realized I never dreamed someone would jump on me with the position I hold in life. Not saying I am special; but, the job had about 80 people that I was in charge of. The end of that story was he ended up in the hospital after I had to get mean.
Since then, I practice in my mind what I will do with the next ahole that jumps on me. And I have had a couple try me in the past five years. One now has a deformed ear. The other has less hair sticking out of his collar. I am convinced the two later incidents would have turned bad for me if I had not been running through these scenarios in my mind all of these years. If someone wants to harm me or any one else around me, they might lose an eye, and ear, or anything else that comes naturally to me to defend myself or others.
My wife sez I scare her sometimes when I say what some ahole "deserves". Being jumped on all of those years ago just has me running what I would do through my head. Just trying to answer you question, I think mean.
BTW I got randomly interviewed by FOX on this unfortunate subject while I was at lunch today. One of the questions I was asked was "what would I do if he is found guilty and I was in charge". I doubt very seriously my interview will be aired.