Hi Everyone! I'm moving back to the states,
Atlanta in particular, to look after my mother.
I've been away for 27 years and return with
enough to purchase a house outright and
some left over to start a property investment
I'm an Navy Veteran whose worked in the
postal system here for 25 years. I've been
a property investor here for 13 years so I
understand the principles of investing
however, the market in the U.S. is much
more complex than the regulated market
here. I'm in my early 50's so finding work
similar to what I was doing at the Post is
going to be a non- starter. So first things
first, I need cash flow!!! So say I come
with 500k for starters and buy a house for
300-350k and then have another 200k to
invest now. My wife and I can draw out
our equivalent 401k plan in Australia in 5
years that could easily buy us 4 house's
at the median price.
I have a trust for my houses and would do
the same there. All investors should have
these to safeguard there investments and
also as part of their estate planning. What's
the point in investing your hard earned
money for someone to try and take your
equity because it's never the houses
people are after but the equity.It's the old
adage, "own nothing, control everything"!
So guys, Just looking to bounce some ideas
off of those brilliant minds.
Just to reiterate earlier I'm an investor and
investing to me is buying and holding with
a medium to long term view for capital
growth, whereas, flipping is a business or
trading to make a profit which is something
I need to educate myself more of.
When it comes to anything, this trumps all,
education alleviates fear/ paralysis!
Buy the way, I'm still eligible for my VA Loan.
Thanks all, Don