I have owned a few properties in north jersey, properties weren't in the best of conditions either.
Not for the faint of heart.
If you catch them behind on rent early I have offered to help them move and find them a place that is cheaper that they can afford. I'd pay for the move and give them back their security. I would try to avoid it getting out of hand by any means necessary. I've caught it early enough where I have worked out some type of deal. The money and time was well spent in these occassions. Unorthoxdox , absolutely ! effective , yes it was.... most of the time.
If it was too late and two months late on rent file all paper work and stay quiet.
Also pay close attention to see if there is any illegal activity taking place at the property , I would check if tenants had warrants and also be aware of any tresspassing. If I caught wind of any of these I called the authorities. The houses I had were not in a good neck of the woods ,nor were the properties in great shape. I owned two and managed about 5.
It was war.