Hi all,
In my area, the average transaction price for houses and condos combined last month was $533,797.
Using your rental income calculator, i did the numbers for a small condo, and came up with cashflow of $-435 ($200,000 buy price, $1200 rent price - full details below). That clearly is not a good investment. I'm using it here to illustrate that it seems like a difficult market to start investing in.
My question: is this market too hot? Can you give some guidance on setting criteria for making an investment in this market?
(The market is the Greater Toronto Area in Canada, but the situation must apply to some US markets).
P.S. This is an awesome website, thanks a lot.
Cost Assumptions
Purchase Price $200,000
Land Value (25%) $50,000
Building Value (75%) $150,000
Improvements $5,000
Closing Costs $5,000
Total Cost $210,000
Financing Assumptions
Downpayment 20%
Finance Amt $160,000
Downpayment Amt $40,000
Interest Rate 3.0%
Mortgage (Years) 25
Mortgage Payment $759
Cash Outlay $50,000
Year 1
Rental Income 14400
Vacancy/Loss Rate 0.1
Vacancy/Loss Value -1440
Gross Income 12960
Property Taxes 2400
Insurance/condo fee 4200
Maintenance & Repairs 1440
Utilities 0
Advertising 0
Administrative 0
Variable Cost PM 1036.8
Fixed Cost PM 0
Other 1 0
Other 2 0
Total Expenses 9076.8
Expenses as % of Gross Income 0.730333333
Net Operating Income (NOI) 3883.2
Cash Flow
NOI (Cash Available) 3883.2
Mortgage 9104.857226
Total Cash Flow -5221.657226
Cash ROI -0.104433145
Equity Accrued 4364.545064
Total Return -857.1121625
Total ROI -0.017142243
Cash Flow / Mortgage Ratio 0.426497627