Hello everyone I know that a typing error has been made in this posts title but it's just a friendly joke.
I found this forum through investors on YouTube thanking people that they've met on here for helping them through their first few deals. I skimmed through the website and found that I enjoyed the blog posts but also the support that came from the community.
My name is Dann, I'm turning 18 soon and I've wanted to invest in real estate since I was 13. Actually, at the time that I first thought about real estate back then the idea came to my head without believing there was already an extreme number of businesses making millions off of the practice. I'd love to explain more about my childhood and how I've always wanted to become a business man but that'd make this first post extremely long and boring.
Some of you might be thinking, "this kid isn't even 18 yet and he thinks he has what it takes to get into real estate investing.. idiot," (I figure this may be the case because of a post I saw an 18 year old make months ago). But I think of myself somewhat different from many of the other 'kids' in my age group. I think that I believe this because I like to think outside of the box. For the the last 6 months I have done at least an hour of research for real estate investments almost every day. I have learned a lot and I'm very motivated and want to begin soon!
Here's an interesting story about me and the experience I have with buying and selling or 'marketing' and getting my name out there so far.
- Between the age of 14-16 I would go on this chat website called 'XAT'. You could buy emoticons for money (real money) and sell, trade, gift or keep them. I thought it was the most ridiculous idea that anyone could have come up with. Well, I spent $5.00 on the website and 6 months later after a lot of buying and selling I found my account to be worth $500.00 and sold it for $300.00
I believe that this makes me a decent negotiator and although negotiating real estate deals is much more complex, I know that I can learn a way to become great at the practice.
- I have been on YouTube creating content since I was a kid. The first time I made a channel, I failed. I earned 500 subscribers before I completely restart. That time, I felt that I hit gold and almost had 5000 subscribers! Until my computer could no longer handle the very high CPU-Using software I used to edit the videos (on average 10 hours went into my editing process)..
I bought a new computer as soon as I turned 17 and started creating gaming tutorials for games like Minecraft and Call of Duty. This time I lasted 5 months before I decided that I wanted to do something different with myself. I learned a LOT through out my time on YouTube and the channel itself is nearly at 5,000 subscribers now. My channel is partnered so I still get a paycheck coming to my house every month (usually $50).
You might be wondering what the hell this has to do with real estate investing? Well, it doesn't have much to do with it.. But I did learn about the importance of getting your name out there, working with others (I'm on 2 channels with over 20,000 subscribers), and finding ways to keep people coming over, craving more.
Why'd I stop the YouTube videos? I began taking extreme interest in Real Estate. Since discontinuing my tutorial series and quitting gaming to instead focus on researching the business of real estate investing. When I'm not studying for a test the next week, I'm constantly learning more and more new things about Real Estate Investing, starting corporations, marketing, negotiating.. It's amazing and I really enjoy everything I read.
I've created a goal for myself. In order to start somewhere simple and as a learning process, I want to begin my real estate investing journey with wholesaling. Before the age of 19 I want to have my first check from wholesaling. Whether it's $100 or $10,000, the money isn't important. I want to implement all of the research I have accumulated to the test. I want to see how the market is and works in my area. I want to communicate with fellow investors. I want to go in 'guns blazing' and even if I fail, I can accept the loss, because even if I lose I will learn (so it's not even really a loss). I want to see that I too can have one of the success stories others have.
So if you're new here like me, I welcome you to join me on this journey. If you've been here a while and love or hate where you're at, lets both work together to improve. You might believe I'm not worth much because I have never actually made a deal yet, well you are wrong. I believe.. No, I know that I have done enough research to know more than the average 'newbie'. I have created too many spreadsheets with the possible ways I could invest any profits to even allow someone to belittle me with any negativity. Lets all help each other, I'd love to learn from everyone here and give back however I can. Whether it's now with any information I can provide, or with people of the future signing up wanting to go through their first deal.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I'd love to know about all of you as well! Hope my writing has not bored you by now, I do understand that this was a long first post.
Thanks in Advance,