Oh boy...
How is that working out Scott? This gets me to thinking about large banks like BofA/CITI.
Do they only service their "properties" (well notes,. actually). It seems like when submitting a shortsale to BofA or CITI, or other giant servicer banks, that you are dealing with two seperate entities. Their personal 1st position mortgages, and the notes they swallowed from the other Bank(s). Did BofA/CITI pay for all the paper they received or was it just given to them ? lol, Seriously I dont know, but do understand that these notes are held by private or public investors as well. I might be getting off topic a little, But would like to know everything when dealing with the super-banks. as I have many Shortsales heading to them. Is this a valid point, or not really?
If this is true, then depending on the property I am offering on, should I expect anything and everything as far as contract terms, since each file has its own money path?