38111(borders and includes university of Memphis area)
38122( Macon and mendenhall area(borders good side of 38117)
38109(Whitehaven, good and bad spots)
38118(Getwell and knight Arnold area, good and bad spots)
Yes Frayser is an average D+ area however it does have some good spots as well as some really really bad spots. So my advice is that you look at the streets on a case by case scenario instead of looking at the areas as a whole.
Example 38117 is awesome but it also has some rough areas. (And I grew up in 38117)
Just my two cents as a local guy who knows Memphis.
I would not be the guy buying property in another city that I'm not familiar with. Unless it was with someone I trusted(and even then I would be hesitant only because it is out of my control and eye sight)
Yes there are plenty of "turnkey" operations that would provide an out of town owner great returns regardless of price and with less hassle. However I stick to my invest local belief.
I think the properties you are referring to Curt Davis are probably in better areas than what I invest, however there are still deals in all the areas of Memphis. Your better areas are still providing 20-30% returns right?