The setup: Roommates A,B,C signed lease and roommate D agreed to move in a month later and add himself to the lease. B+C are a couple. A is me.
A+D paid 2/3rd deposit under A's name, and C paid the other. B has no job and asked ACD to split three ways for two months until he gets a job and then we'll split four ways. Two months later, B has no job, and A confronts him A and B have a fight, B threatens A and A is forced to move out for safety concerns. (Still with me?)
The lease is an all for one, one for all lease. It was never changed to update tenants or anything. Rent has been paid and it's now almost up. D is still not on the lease. Landlord knows the situation but let everything play out as long as he got paid.
I want my security deposit back, B and C will probably state since I left (they disagree about kicking me out or if I left willfully, I have texts to prove the former). BCD want to continue the lease for another year but I want to end our lease and they can sign a new one.
How does this get resolved?
(Thanks for reading!!)