Hi Kelly, I am in both the Colonial and PPR funds, and have been for a bit more than a year for each. I have been very pleased with both.
Colonial pays quarterly, I believe they have a base rate and a split of profits, so if they have a good quarter, you share in the upside. That said, the opposite could be true with a bad quarter, but I have not experienced that..... Over the course of the year, I have experienced a higher return with Colonial than PPR. The Colonial fund has a higher minimum investment and allows you to re-invest earnings.
The PPR fund pays earnings on a monthly basis, and does not, at least in the fund I am in, allow re-investment of earnings.
Both funds have a three year lock, so you are sacrificing liquidity with funds. In my mind, since I do not need the income at the moment, I prefer the ability to reinvest the earnings. But I am in PPR's due to the lower minimum investment which let me put some dry capital to work.
Of course having capital split among several providers also allows a bit of diversification in terms of management. I choose to invest in the funds as its a write a check and receive income, about as easy as it gets. My experience with both has been positive, and I would not hesitate to add funds to either fund.
Please double check what I have stated with each supplier, as I have stated what I experienced a year ago and the policies of the providers listed may have changed.
Best Regards, Dean