@Tara S. did you quit your day job cause you enjoyed being a realtor more than whatever you did prior or because of the benefits it brought to your investing? Would you say being a realtor opened doors and opportunities that would've been more difficult to obtain without the license, or do you feel you could have accomplished the same with a good realtor on your team? I recently lost my job due to COVID and was considering going realtor/investor fulltime that's why I ask.
@Justin Robert that's exactly my theory. The access to the MLS and the money I would save on commissions seem to outweigh the cost of maintaining the license. As you said, if I can do it in a part-time capacity and sell to family and friends as well as my own deals, the benefits would outweigh the cost as long as the broker is willing to keep me on.
@Jacob Lapp the way you described your scenario is exactly how I hope it would go for me. I'm sure there are differences between your situation in PA vs. New Jersey cost, regulations/guidelines though; or am I just over analyzing it?
@Frank Godfrey I have not considered the liabilities that come with being the realtor as I am not aware of what they consist of. However, I do appreciate the picture you've painted of the other ways I could benefit from utilizing the realtor's experience and time vs. trying to do it all myself.