Our company has 16 properties within 10 LLCS. We have been using a desktop version of quickbooks and each entity had its own file. Generally there are not many transactions but each has its own bank account and some LLC's have multiple loans (for the different properties). This has worked well for a while but we are now looking into an online solution as we no longer work in the same building. I have to email and ask for reports from the bookkeeper now... its pretty cumbersome and feels like there should be a better solution.
It appears that quickbooks online will work best if we buy an individual license for each LLC (and those properties owner personally) This is a rather large expense for some minimal bookkeeping. I have a few options below- but was looking for some input.
Quickbooks Online- with "Classes"- option appears to be to try and do one account and run classes for each property. But I have read my reports might not work and I am not exactly sure how the multiple properties within one LLC thing will work...
Xero- same problem- multiple accounts seems to be how it is set up.
Sage- I have had some trouble getting to the sales department to see what they might have.
Appfolio- we have our own property management company that uses appfolio and we get our reports from appfolio- not sure how I could make it work for the "owner" side of this.
HELP- what else works? I have an email out to my CPA and my bookkeeper seems worried about the reporting aspect of using classes in quickbooks online and seems to think the "only" way is multiple quickbooks online accounts.