I am amazed at some of the negative people on this website during my short time here. Negative People, office politics - that is why I am so happy to be RETIRED from corporate America politics. Several people often respond to a Blog posting without even reading the entire Blog post. It almost seems like a canned answer they give just to get more credit for posting points. This current Blog post is a great example. No where in this post did I speak about wholesaling but one of the first person to respond discussed wholesaling. Did they even read what I actually wrote?
Also, several people have accused my Blogs of being a sales pitch but yet they have sales pitches in their footers that they paid a small membership to have. Newsflash - if I wanted to sell something, I would of paid the same few hundred bucks to do it too. I AM NOT HERE TO SELL ANYTHING!
Many of you probably have real estate clubs that you offer training or try to bring in guests every week to sell something. I get it you take this website as your territory and don't like new people like myself coming in and offering FREE Information to help Newbies! All I have provided in my posts is good information and encouragement. Many real estate investors lack confidence! Many unsuccessful real estate investors need the confidence to go out there and JUST DO IT!
Also, not one of you Critical and Negative "Expert Investors" have offered FREE additional ideas in this Blog post to help people for FREE! Why not add more FREE information then just post sharp tongued negative comments and make accusations "like he's making a sales pitch" with no reasonable basis to support this theory?
Hey, how about the concept of the no seasoned mortgages by small portfolio banks which is a great tool! Have any of you Negative Critics done no seasoned mortgages and cash-out mortgages. I know you must have so why not offer information and encouragement on this Blog post to help others do it too?
If I buy a house for all cash and rehab with all cash and a bank that is a portfolio lender offers a no seasoned mortgage where I take cash out and I end up with all my cash back, that was a no money down deal for me. I have done this for years and showed many others how to do it too! Not a sales pitch just a fact to give people encouragement.
TO THE NEGATIVE SHARPED TONGUE PEOPLE ON HERE - YOU DON'T KNOW ME! - What I can tell you is I am a Christian and I help people and I give back. I spent many years in not-for-profit accounting helping children, the disabled and the elderly. Yes I was a Chief Financial Officer for several organizations. CFOs in NFP accounting make far less money but it was more about the mission of helping people not about making money!
I believe if you help people it makes the world a better place. I have also flown or driven to various cities at all my own expense for friends to guest speak at an REI Club Meeting. I might add, I never expected payment, did not get money for travel expenses and I spoke with the intent of never having a sales pitch like I have seen at so many of these REI clubs.
I went to speak to give back, not to pitch a program or sell a book like I have seen several people on this string doing. People on here say Lions protecting cubs? Right, what if the Lion protecting the cubs is Scar from Lion King?
I am a young and retired CPA and 100 percent full time investor. I have had many people encourage me to share information with others. One colleague told me about this website. Thought it was helpful to share knowledge and inspiration, however I have found out otherwise.
In regards to writing books, yes I have written several books and you know what they were written to give away for FREE! I never have charged for a book! I have also ghost written real estate books for FREE! Why you ask? TO GIVE BACK!
It seems like there is a "good old boys network" here and what a shame. I am a seasoned investor that just wanted to give back and help people through providing information and inspiration. Maybe even write a few things that teach but are also fun to read.
Just for the record, I have been ripped off by dishonest contractors and I have had tenants damage rental units and lie to my face. However, I still remain positive and want to help others do to many negative things that have happened in my real estate investing and my life. HAVE FAITH and be positive in life. LIFE IS TOO SHORT! GET A LIFE!
You are chasing away people like me away from this website for no good reason. Is that really what the website is about? Having a few people try to control what people want to write? Having a few people try to GUESS why is this Joe Jurek here?
What about commenting or just thinking to your self - "isn't it great to have someone new that might just care about helping people or sharing FREE information, ideas and inspiration? It should be, unless my FREE information is not welcomed here because others can't sell their information? No that must not be it.