A few months ago we were in the process of evicting some tenants. The complaint and the letter from my lawyer stuck strictly to facts of the lease violations but, as could be expected, the tenants' response was filled with personal attacks against me. One of their points was that I was trying to dodge my responsibilities as landlord because of a question I had posted in an online forum. I went through that entire eviction process craving advice from all of you but scared to say anything because I knew these (now former) tenants were trolling me. My only goal is to be an exceptional landlord, to always do things right. It's hard to be new since the only way to learn is through experience so it's really valuable when there is someone who has had that experience already and can share their insights. I realized I was limiting myself and only making things harder by not using this forum, so I'm back! I'm not afraid of anything I've posted and I stand behind my questions and statements - I've never had any intention to dodge my responsibilities. I'm sure it's in the terms of service that we all click "accept" without thoroughly reading but know that what you post here might be read by a tenant. I thought with the paid membership there was some exclusivity but there isn't. Be careful, be honest and act with integrity because what you post here just might end up being quoted in an attempt to discredit you or hurt your business.