Planning to sell two investment properties in CA and buy one primary residence in CA.
Property 1 is listed and expected to sell in August to September timeframe (Around 150K long term profit, total sale price around 0.85M, no loan)
Property 2 is under renovation and expected to be listed in August-September, and close around October to November (around 400K long term profit, total sale price around 1.7 M, around 0.6M loan. ~1.1 M in cash).
What is the best time to buy the replacement property? Under 45 days, I need to identify replacement property. Does that mean I need to be under contract for the replacement property? Or just put an offer into it? What if the offer is not accepted?
The replacement property value should be 0.85+1.7=2.55M or above? Can I still get a loan for this property? If so, do I have to put all the cash (i.e. 0.85 + 1.1 = 1.95M) from the two escrows into this replacement property?
Also, what if Property 2 is sold after Day 45, when the replacement property is already identified for Property 1?
Any experienced 1031 exchanger can provide some insight into this scenario? Greatly appreciated.