NEVER let it go to Foreclosure (auction) That hits your credit for 7 years and 300 pts and depending what state you live in the bank can come after you for the deficiency.
There are many options and way to many to type out here and explain so feel free to call me at 636 685 2990. I have negotiated short sales for myself as the buyer with the banks for 14 years and have seen this quite often. The silent second had no interest and no monthly payments but you signed a 2nd deed of trust. This amount MUST be paid back even if the bank/FHA has to take a hit on their payoff. The bank will NOT work with you just because you ask them to, especially if they think the value of the house is high.
On a short sale they will only give you $3000 so forget $7K. I suggest you call me about one of the following options:
1. Tell the buyer you have no financial means to close and the contract will end on the expiration date. Most Realtor board documents have clauses and you should have filled out a Short sale rider when you listed the property.
2. Immediately get the RMA form (Request for Mortgage Assistance) and select "Sell the house" (Short Sale). Banks do NOT do a DIL (Deed in Lieu) because they do not want to accept any under lying 2nd lien positions. This could get you 4-6 months in the house while you save money and $3000 at closing paid by the bank.
3. File Bankruptcy and fix your house up and sell it or sell it as is for the amount you said it was worth vs what you have it under contract for now.
4. There is a possibility that you could keep this buyer under contract (for example if he tries to cause you legal trouble) if he is willing to wait (which he will if he is an investor who was underpaying you what you think itis worth As Is. I have a ninja trick (that sounds cool doesn't it) to where the bank will accept alot less than the appraised value. For example, if it appraises for the $290K you think, I know how to get the bank to accept a little over $255K. Would that make life easier?
5. I have a developed a way to snap my fingers and could easily help you get your foreclosure postponed so feel free to reach out to me at 636 685 2990 IF you just want more time to think about it.
6. 14 years helping families out as an investor NOT a Realtor.