You dont seem to understand ms/mrs gerardo. My friend was on a website called that deals pretty much with offshore banking, shell companies, ect... an offshore banker based in dubai who works with a team of accountants and lawyers told him that they wont ask for source of funds. It didnt matter if it was like 100 million or 3 billion usd worth of dirty money... the banker just said "spend a year living and working" in dubai and then cash out here. After cashing out in dubai, youre supposed to declare the money in the u.s. and subsequently pay taxes on it. I can only assume that the offshore banker with his team of accountants and lawyers would provide the client with a legitimate cover story as to how their money is genuine, authentic, legitimate, clean if you will... assuming that the lawyer is saying is true, do you believe that he and his team could have found a loophole in fincen, treasury dept money laundering laws? Could what the lawyer be saying be in anyway true? I merely want your opinion here. Rsvp. Thank you.