I plan to buy a small apartment building eventually, but I'd need to sell all 3 of my rental properties to do it. My question is:
1) Is that even legally possible? I've read in multiple places of doing a many-to-one exchange, but I must confess that I've never looked this up on a primary source. Legal jargon gives me headaches...
2) Do you see this being logistically possible? I'd have to align all my lease end dates to a single month, list all properties, find an apartments to declare, ask them to wait until you sell all your properties before closing? Selling all properties while the seller waits seems tough. If the seller backs out after you've sold your house seems worse.
Apologies if these are not intelligent questions. I've never done a 1031 exchange before, but recently became very interested in doing a transfer into apartment. I own multiple "alligator" properties, and I'm looking for an exit. Thank you for any and all feedback!