Actually, my initial post on this thread was made without reading any of the thread. It has been one of the most enjoyable threads of any forum, anywhere, I have read. As a finance guy I represent a may different financial instruments: from MCAs to SBAs I like to say. I added seriously HM after COVID did a job on my working cap business that told me to be more diversified next time.
I share in Jerryil's frustration from this standpoint for sure. For some reason folks are posting that all a person has to do is read some books, hang out at Bigger Pockets, YouTube and other websites and they are going to be on their way to riches. Do you folks realize that in a VC fund 7-8 of those startups within that fund will fail. Mind you that those funds are managed by college educated/college dropouts --- and probably some with no college --- experienced investors, and out of some of these funds Google and the Facebooks of the world are created. No one ever mentions the 8 that failed or are just adrift with no further hope of another level of funding.
Sausage smells and taste good but believe me you DO NOT want to see it made!
Look, one of my business heroes is Bill Gates. I'm a old database guy (Paradox) and at one time resold MS products so I get that a college education IS NOT the only path to success BUT do you want to compare most folks to Gates. So what if the young man/lady takes your recommendation of never considering college. Is there a path that is easy for him/her to follow than just pointing to YouTube or the Web? There is some great stuff out there for sure but knowing what you don't know is the beginning of learning, the middle and never ending.
I tell prospects and clients all the time that there is a downside and a upside to every financial instrument that we represent including bank financing of even a 1% APR loan. Experience taught me that but college is what gave me the foundation to realize it. Or the fact that very successful people, one my college professor, who would speak about the expense of the financial instruments I represent WITHOUT pointing out that as an angel investor his cost of capital was the highest of all. Toughest instructor in my major, division head, and has been well off a very long time. Damaged the crap out of my GPA but we are still friendly to this day.
I enjoy this forum but really guys/gals are you going to be the ones holding the hands of these people you claim should just jump in the ocean and swim during a storm. No, most of you are not BECAUSE you are busy building your empire. That is real money and real time they are risking to get into this game. I can assure you that some of the people I have spoken to are not ready to swim even with a life jacket and a floating device.
Great discussion on both sides.