Thanks these are all great responses. I hadn't realized the process is quite important esp if you have a larger number of rentals. So it got me thinking actually, most people seem to just be using their computer folder structure and maybe google photos and manually renaming files, folders, and stuff. Being that I work as a software engineer it might not be too difficult to build something specific for that workflow.
From what I'm reading from @Nathan Gesner @Richard F. @Linda S. @Russell Brazil @Soh Tanaka and everyone else, it's best if you take quicker succession of pictures as you walk through, take a few closeup details, and then upload them later and figure out how to clump them together in some sort of album on your desktop computer with the rest of the files.
I use google photos heavily for personal photos but if I'm looking to look up some water repair invoice or photos for an unit from 3 years ago, I'd have to sort through a ton of photos and files to find that, which is why I was asking originally because I have so many photos on my drive already it's cumbersome to sort through. I tried to find a picture of the garage for a house I lived in and it took me 20 mins lol. Adding properties with repetitive photos (for each tenant over time) would also be annoying to manage.
I'm thinking it wouldn't be all that difficult to make a mini property doc library app that you just log into and it shows a list of all your properties and drills down to shows all the media files and docs in order by like move in, move out, water leak repair #1, fridge repair, water leak repair #2, with some sort of search function.
If I made something like this, would anyone else be interested in using this or does this seem unnecessary? I'm always looking to automate stuff in my life, it would be cool to just type a tenant name or property address and have it bring up everything I uploaded in order