My thoughts are landlords are often being punished for keeping up with inflation and responding as any other business owner would to supply and demand (as others have stated).
In my market there are out of touch expectations for rent raises or lack there of. It’s quite rare to see rent raised each year, say 2%, to adjust for inflation. Rent is typically raised when the tenant moves out, so rent spikes drastically to catch up for the years of not raising it while occupied, plus renovation costs. Simultaneously, the city has raised property taxes on average of 4% each year for 5 or so years (probably longer just an off the top of head recall). To top it off the city is doing a real evaluation of property taxes which will surely double many landlords tax bill.
Supply and demand coupled with entitlement is major factor in my market as well. The city has threatened rent control left and right. Too often it seems renters are demanding to live in the most desirable neighborhoods in the city (Munjoy Hill) at prices they deem fair. Frustratingly, if you drive 25 minutes you can rent for half the price. Drive 40 minutes and you can buy a 3 unit for $100k. Even more frustrating is that the same crowd is entirely anti-development. No new units in the city and no rent hikes. 🤔