Afternoon all,
I currently have a tenant in the upstairs of a duplex that was inherited in the sale and is becoming a bit of a problem.
They are on a month to month lease which we have informed them we will not be renewing for a couple reasons, the first being that they are a complete slob and are trashing the place / from the looks of it are the reason the place had bedbugs with the previous owner , the second being that they have dogs that are not covered under my insurance.
They were on a month to month lease so my first mistake was assuming this would be a quick removal.
My property manager has notified them that we will not be renewing the lease at the end of the month (last month) and the tenant has reminded her that she evicted him a few years back from another place. In an attempt to work with the guy (since he had been there for a few years prior) when he said he needed until the end of this month to get a place for him and his dogs (while threatening to make moving out a pain for all of us if we didn't let him hang until then) it seemed like the easiest thing would be to just have him for an additional month and then have him out after this month.
It shouldn't have surprised me when he didn't pay for this month but for some reason it did. My manager has basically said that we can either go after the money or the eviction and that her inclination is to wait until the end of the month and then if he isn't gone begin proceedings (to avoid legal fees) .
Am I looking at this wrong when I think its best to get the ball rolling on the eviction now and stop the bleeding as fast as we can? The way I see it if he doesn't pay for 2 months we are already out $900.
I know there are people out there with similar stories. How'd you resolve this and get business back to usual, and what would you recommend someone in my shoes should be looking at as a best course of action? Also the property is in Michigan.
Thanks for the read!