@Murray Reginald
@Caleb Brown is absolutely correct in his question/assessment.
I was coaching a colleague who was also having an issue with his Va leads. He was considering moving his market because he was getting no traction whatsoever.
Before he took such a drastic measure, I suggested that we audit his Va calls. What we heard surprised him.
The Va was not following the script at all. They did not come off as professional at all. (Not rude or unfriendly, just full of verbal pauses and stumbling over any semblance of what we were asking him to say)
When we heard this, my colleague realized that the problem wasn’t his market, but the lack of oversite on his employees.
Further, I am not a huge fan of 3rd party Va vendors. Not because they are dishonest, but because one believes that their training is sufficient for your specific business.
Would you hire a third party employee to run your business without training of your own?
Vendors training should be the beginning, but this is YOUR BUSINESS and you have to take personal responsibility for making sure your employees are representing it to your satisfaction.
Honestly, Caleb pulled out the biggest problem in his short but succinct post.
You have admitted that you have not done any cold calling yourself.
If you haven’t done it yourself, how can you train someone to do it correctly? which make no mistake, you have to train the Va on the specifics of your model.
You should do your own cold calling until you are good enough to train by example. Then you can offload the responsibility to someone else.
And yes you may have a full time 9-5 job, but the best time to call an owner is 6-8pm.
I’m going to make a bold claim. If you will make 2 hrs of consistent calling 8hrs a week, you will get 3-5 deals a month.
I’m going to even push it one step further. If you will actively work on your business for 40 hrs a MONTH, you will get 3-5 deals a month. (This is targeted proactive work. Setting up your cram and watching YouTube training is not part of the work. Lead gen and active calling/knocking/texting. This is the 40 hrs mo result generator.”
I blame the gurus for this, they present a rosey picture of hands off business dealing, but the truth is it’s as simple as they say, it’s definitely not as easy. It takes work!!
I hope this isn’t coming as beating up on you. It certainly isn’t meant to. Believe it or not, you are closer than you think. All it will take is some adjustments on your part, with the biggest adjustment being make the commitment and follow through.
Looking forward to seeing you on the other side of success!! I believe in you!!