Hi all, I have a question regarding repairs to my rental unit and the security deposit. So the set up is this:
1. Unit was having issues with the freezer.
2. Sent over a repair man, who fixed the issue.
3. Unit started experience issues with the freezer again (unknown if they are the same).
4. Sent over the repair guy again, trying to coordinate a couple of times, but for some reasons, the renters either missed the repair guy and didn't bother rescheduling.
5. Renters decided to unplug and defrost the freezer since they were moving out in 3 weeks or so.
6. Sent repair guy in after the moved out (last week) to fix the freezer. Also sent in flooring guys to buff the hardwood floors.
7. Repairmen assess that that water from the fridge has damaged all of the hardwood under the fridge to the tune of $1400 or so.
In this situation, I would assume it is pretty straight forward that their negligence in getting the repair guy in or properly defrosting the freezer to minimize water damage is the cause and that I could take that out of the security deposit. Would that be correct?