Recently I've spent time learning the process of acquiring property via these auctions. I will start to pull some properties down as I intent to start bidding next week. And I wish to consistently purchase properties in this manner.
I'm finding the challenge is accumulating / managing information about properties (title / liens / ARV / neighborhood / description / condition /etc, etc, etc) coupled with the high rate of adjournments shortly before the auctions. In short, I can see that the process can be very inefficient if one is attempting to continually source profitable properties this way.
Purpose of this post is to reach out to others who are dealing with similar challenges and attend either Monmouth or Ocean County Auctions. I specifically envision an informal banding together where we leverage each others knowledge / information. There are plenty of deals out there and if you are like me you have some capital but its not unlimited - lets help each other be efficient!
Reach out if this resonates with to all!