Hello again BP !
This is my second post now. I have to say I am really glad I found this site. Everyone is amazingly helpful and there is a wealth of knowledge to be had on here. My initial idea was out of state investing through a Turnkey company because I thought the Socal market was going to be too difficult to enter due to the high prices. After a handful of replies to my initial post and some private messages I realize it is doable.
Does anyone have any specific areas in Socal that they have found to have good appreciation, cash flow, and a purchase price of under 150k ? I've heard a lot of talk about the Inland Empire so I'll definitely check that out to start.
I just listened to @Aaron Mazzrillo podcast (#37) and this guy has things figured out pretty well. He has really learned to automate his life as much as possible and generate a steady passive income. This is definitely my goal. I'd like to acquire a bunch of rentals that cash flow enough to support my lifestyle as well as create a nest egg for retirement.
Now all I need to do is get started......
A few questions here.
1) What is the best way for me to find deals ? Would you guys recommend using a wholesaler ? If yes, does anyone know some reputable ones they can send my way ?
2) I guess the real kicker is capital. I know everyone on here did not start with loads of cash. How am I supposed to leap from from property to property without running out of cash QUICK ? Say I have 60K to start out with. I buy my first property for $150k. 20% down =30k Repairs = 20k. Bam! I am out of money. Is there something I am missing ? It will take quite some time for me to replenish another 50-60k to invest.
3) Has anyone had the chance to try out Ben Leybovich's program. I'm sure it is legit but is it worth the money or can I find everything I need on my own ?
Thanks in advance !