We've develop a marketing platform and will be launching in the coming months. I would like feedback.
The beacon marketing platform use proximity / eddystone tech. (sorry for tech talk)
Here's what it does, you place a beacon near your open house, car, or office. They are small and run on batteries. Your beacon broadcasts messages to mobile phones that are nearby. Sort of like a billboard or sign for people within say 100 yards. So basically your marketing message can be seen while people view their phones. And everyone is on the mobile device over the age of 12.
You can provide information about an open house, market information, your business card, or a sales page. You can offer something of value, and collect emails for your subscriber list. It's cool.
So you get high quality leads or subscribers coming to you. (Golden State Warriors, CVS, Target all use this same tech)
If I could deliver that to you, what do you feel would be a reasonable price for a monthly subscription?? (1st 30 days would be free btw)
you can buy all the beacons you want (and doesn't have to be from me) They range from $20 - $30 per beacon as a one time cost
I would be delivering the SaaS software as a monthly service.
If the beacon advertising landed you 1 or 2 extra sales per year, what would be a fair price. (sorry ... not free)
of course real estate is one application, but this does the same thing for retail, bars, restaurants, food trucks, contractors etc...
Thoughts from the group???