If i were to purchase a 6 unit apartment for $280K, which fully occupied is roughly $5,050 a month. I went high on the expenses, which came to roughly over $20K. assuming 1 unit to be vacant per year (83.3% occupancy). NOI is roughly $32.7K-$38.7K (Full occupancy for the higher number). Debt service at roughly $20K. Cashflow A bit over $11K. My COC return will vary depending on my out of pocket cash.
My Question is if i have a private investor loan me $70K for 5-7 years (his terms) at 12-15% (not compounded). Lower interest rate at 12% is $8,400 year ($42K for 5 years) plus his initial investment of $70K equals $112K. Assuming rents go up 3% a year and interest rates are hovering 5% and i refinance from 8% to 5%. Now this property is in a class C neighborhood with a calculated 11% cap rate estimated. Would the numbers make sense to repay the investor in 5 years? Also, how easy will it be to refinance in a class C neighborhood. I ran the numbers and it seems i would after some value add to the property, but I'm more worried about the financing. Maybe someone has some advise? I currently own a duplex that is cashflowing at 14% COC for 2 years and i figure the more doors the better. Any help would be much appreciated.