Yeah, another good point. We'll find out! Once you leave CA it's virtually impossible to come back, I've personally seen it happen to co-workers exactly how you described. And, they've had to give it up again after trying.
When we go out to purchase the rental under the 1031 we'll go out as a family. That will be the acid test for them.
I've been to TX several times, I grew up in Denver and moved to San Diego in 1997 when I was 25. So I can hang no problem. Californians have been invading CO since I can remember with some disdain from the locals, and I hear it's probably the same in TX.
The properties that attract us the most are the 'country living' style. Hopefully an acre or so, workshop, and few or limited neighbors. Somewhere north of the city off the 281 might be good, yes?
My kids 12 and 14 are not very excited, but they'll get over it. We do more camping than going to the beach.
Oh, and without being political we're more aligned with the traditional thinking of Texas on that end of state Texas that is...