Thanks Mike for your reply
- Shower clog was definitely because of hair and nothing else
- We explained many many times that water has leaked internally and did not overflow onto bathroom floor to living room. Landlord got back with a report from a repair company saying repair company seen a few damaged tiles in front of the bathroom on corner of the wall. Based on that report landlord concluded that water traveled through the bathroom floor, its our fault and we have to pay for it. (We noticed a few tiles on the corner of the wall having mold but we aren't even sure if this was from before the incident or may have also been affected internally)
- If needed, who do I contact to investigate the drain leak and prove it? is this possible ? will a plumber's investigation be adequate?
- Landlord says that he has a legal right to charge us the amount per NJ Residential Lease agreement. In my lease it states the following point related to our issue:
"Keep all lavatories, sinks, toilets, and all other water and plumbing apparatus in good order and repair and shall use same only for the purposes for which they were constructed. Lessee shall not allow any sweepings, rubbish, sand, rags, ashes or other substances to be thrown or deposited therein. Any damage to any such apparatus and the cost of clearing stopped plumbing shall be borne by Lessee"
Should I request that he investigate the drain leak properly ?
Thank you again everyone for your time and consideration