@Drew Sygit
My PM's lease isn't identical to mine, they claim to have acted as a clients agent before and went to court against a tenant and a judge wouldn't hear it because they didn't have a lease with the tenant. I'm not sure I 100% believe that but that's what my PM is telling me.
The tenants real issue I feel is they are paying under market rent and now realize with a professional management team in place they are going to get brought up to market rent. They won't admit it to me but that is the only thing I can think of.(which won't happen until their current leases expire) When I ask them why they won't sign and why two of them hung up on my new PM and the other told them off on the phone, they just say they didn't sign up to be managed by them. Or one said she wouldn't have taken the store space if it was a PM doing the original leasing. My pizza restaurant in my building has been there for 29 years, her original lease was $300 a month and had only been raised $50 in 29 years for an example on the rent situation. I raised it $50 when I took over ownership, my plan was to slow roll her increases in hopes she is only there for another year since she's 80, but after we signed a lease she talking like she has 3 or 4 more years! Lol
I appreciate you response!