I joined BP a week ago as a Pro member. Since then, I started a discussion roughly mapping out my present finance state and possible venues to invest-in as a newbie in the business. The information, I've been exposed, guided towards or fallen into has been like drinking from a fire-hose. It's torrential. I'm an avid reader and actually take pleasure in this sort of research, but what frightens me -and this is no shade to all the kindness of info offered me by some of the industry professionals here-, .... is exactly that: There is such a largess of professional brokers, flippers, money managers, agents and companies vying for my attention that at this point, my instincts tell me to back into my tortoise shell, read a few books on this, and THEN come back into this information market. It is overwhelming to try to sift through all this and come up with a plan that doesn't tangentially moves rapidly into something other than my original focus. It's as if I can't keep my notes in a straight line and i need to keep a knowledge base that is almost 3D. Too many things are inter-related.
If any "normal" persons here who invest, but are not necessarily industry pros with companies vying for my dollars can render some advice I would be most appreciative.