Hi Everyone, I am so happy I came across this forum as it would be great to connect with like minded individuals. I have been a property manager for 5 years and am looking to start my own investment journey through real estate.
I have 55k to start with and I have been reading a vast amount of material and strategies to accumulate wealth but I am struggling to decide where to put this money to allow for growth.
First barrier, 20% is required down for investment property so max purchase price would be about 300k. What would you do with the funds? I have been looking at deals in the lower mainland but wow it’s so hard to get even any positive cash flow. Even in Abbotsford it’s a hard find.
Any advice would be amazing to help me figure out how to do a first successful deal. I like to think I’m a very motivated and driven person so hoping to learn as much as possible. Thank you for taking the time to read this and very excited to make some valuable connections. Cheers.