Thank you for the responses.
@Catherine Emert I called both utility companies and they asked me to submit an application for the services for one-time $20-$30 fee and provide proof of purchase and at least 24-48 hours to do so. However, I found out the previous owner owes some money to the company so I'm guessing that's why he does not want it back on since he might be required to pay for it so I'm working with my agent to find out what's the best approach to resolve the issue.
@Corby Goade So far I did not budget for the plumbing or any leak repair when I made the offer that's why I really wanted it inspected with all utilities on so I can modify my offer if any issues have been discovered. And yes, the plan is to have it under my name when inspected.
@Mike McCarthy Now you're making me worried, but you have a good point, I am just hoping that's not the case. :) While researching, I came across that suggestion about pressure testing but the inspector I spoke to, did not suggest that as an alternative (probably he does not have the equipment). If reconnecting it gives me so much hassle, I may have to consider your suggestion.