@Nathan G. I’m glad they made the offer and it seems like the right thing to do. In fairness it also benefits the owner to keep a good relation with tenant while selling. In our case we are keeping lawn mowed, sweeping deck, wiping counters and bathrooms and vacuuming every day. if I had a tenant doing that for $200 I’d consider it well worth it. I do agree with you overall but pointing out that keeping a good relationship with a tenant is beneficial to the LL as well. Showing a clean somewhat staged house can surely net most sellers a lot more than $200. I’ve paid cleaning services more than that for bi monthly cleanings. Our landlord also communicated with us and the realtor in trying to minimize impact and give everyone warning. End of the day I’m glad we have a good relationship but I’m not going to 100% agree that a tenant should sit back and be greatful for the chance to clean a house and leave x amount of times while strangers wander around their home for $200. I guess that just comes down to what value you put on your time. I value my time at a lot more now than I did when I was renting in my 20s.