Wow, I am really impressed with your willingness to help. As I was writing I kept wondering if I was posting a question that had been asked so many times that people were sick of answering it. Thank you all for taking the time to delve into your thoughts.
@David Clinton III and @Benjamin Christensen, you mentioned that one might change their preferred strategy over. At this time, I'm thinking I would like to first establish a few buy and holds. Once I have that going, I'd like to start flipping. I've been doing Habitat For Humanity for a while now, and feel long-term involvement has been a great first step in learning how to rehab (It's also a good networking opportunity, some volunteers have decades of experience). But to David's and Benjamin's point, the experience of attempting both of these strategies will be a great way to determine which (if not both) are for me. And thank you for your idea about the 1031 David, I did not know about that.
@Allen Fletcher, to answer your questions, I want to initially self-manage because even if I end up hiring management in the future. I think it would be a very valuable experience in order to understand what management does. (to your point, @Garrett Diegel) My consideration of property far away is not my first choice, but I think a better investment for me at this time, financially. I have accumulated savings from almost 20 years of stocks/mutual funds/working/frugal living that I could front a down payment significantly higher than 20% in the potential areas I mentioned. I do not want to put 100% of my savings into this, so I am also factoring in retaining some savings as well. So these areas outside of where I live would give me a lot of leverage in terms of less borrowing needed.
Yes Benjamin, n-plex was meant to mean some number of multiunit property. I could say triplex or 4-plex or duplex, but in reality I think the opportunities that present themselves may determine the actual number more so than my initial vision. There is also the possibility of living in one for my first n-plex, which has it's obvious benefits for somebody who wants to start out self-managing though the likelihood of finding one in my price range is not as high in my goal destination. So the question I must answer is if it is what's staying in western Washington worth to me? Is it worth giving up the opportunity to live-in/self-manage my first n-plex?
So guys, it stands as a mix of answers as to whether I should buy my first property in my area. And that is ok because people have different approaches and there is no "right" way. I appreciate all of your thoughts especially in that it was my first post. My plan is for now to keep on looking local, but not to take other areas off my radar. I am definitely not somebody to do something impulsive, so I am setting my goal as to purchase a property by the end of the year more as a way to check my natural over-analysis than to satisfy a need to do it now. I do really appreciate your comments though. I hope to pay it forward to BP in the future. Thank you.
A follow-up question, if it came to buying in a different area, how crucial would it be to live in one of the units for a while, given the valuable experience of self-managing one's first unit? I really would like to remain in western Washington (north of Seattle), but do not want to be so rigid that I refuse to consider other options.