Thank you all for the great responses. All of your inputs have definitely given me a task/way forward, I have asked my realtor to broaden the search and actually increase the amount of units to see if there is a market here for that. I have also begun researching some marketing strategies to direct my interest to sellers I have started to look up how to get recent eviction notices as well plan on doing a simple mail out to multi-family homes in my areas of interest.
As for still pursuing out of state I have narrowed the search to Dayton, Cleveland, Cincinnati as I have family there and a friend that is currently buying single family homes. I am also looking in Tampa, Jacksonville and Cape Coral as I grew up there and still have ties. I'd greatly appreciate any input on these cities and or any other recommendations.
Lastly, for the questions on financing, I currently plan on going with cash and conventional for now until I need to enter the commercial realm. I really want something under my belt and a little bit of a track record before pursuing private money.
Once again thank you all for the replies.