I just wanted to post an update on this topic about the situation with the roofing contractor. As i mentioned there is some work that is left unfinished and some small damages that need to be repaired amounting to roughly $1500 . I got tired of chasing the guy so I reached out to the local attorneys in my area and one of them suggested for me to get information on civil court lawsuits so I did that and I sued the contractor. 3 months later we had our hearing and I was awarded about $600 and in the mean while I've learned a couple of lessons.
1. The process is not as bad of a hassle as I though. Filing was fairly simple, there is a long wait though but the paperwork is not that bad.
2. Witnesses are key in court. The judge will listen to your case and plea but will not considered it in the judgment unless it comes from a witness. For example, in my case, he would not consider any quotes from other contractors as evidence for the cost of repairs, the judge wanted the actual representative of the quoting firm present as a witness.
3. As an alternative, the judge would have considered any payed/invoiced repairs as evidence so if i would've gotten the repairs done and payed for them, he would have awarded me the costs.
4. No other roof contractor would testify against the bad apple. I dont know if there is an unwritten agreement between them but other contractors dont want to testify against each other.
For me this whole process was worth it. i was mad enough that it really wasnt about the money/time i put in... and if this is your case, try it... what do you have to loose?