@Daniel A.
@Taylor L.undefined
I want to thank you guys for taking the time to answer my questions. They are currently weekly rentals from the previous owner. They were set up like that because of the a large number of out of town people that come here to work in the local chemical plants. I am located in south Louisiana, about 15 miles south of Baton Rouge.
I do want to say that when I was the manager of the same complex 7 years ago we had alot more out-of-town workers than we currently do. Even before the Covid crisis I could see a small decrease in so called construction workers looking for short term rentals. These vacancies have been filled by more local people in the last 2-3 years.
My thought process the last few months has been this:
* I make a good bit more doing short term(weekly) than I would with long term. Also, my mortgage(can't refinance until after a ballon payment in about 5 years) that I'm paying is based from the numbers it was making as short term rentals. Now the headaches with short term are enormoous and I would rather do long term but always were afraid to do so due not grossing as much. But my thought now is if the short term market drops to where it is the same as I would make on long term but with less headaches, why wouldn't I just do long term. I guess thats why I'm trying to get a feel of what people think will happen to the short term market because of the current situation we are in.