Well, that's not the answer I was hoping for but it is an answer. Thank you. It's the impression I've come away with after a good deal of research.
I could create my own IA firm, I believe, but it's not worth the attorney's fees and headaches associated with starting a firm that'll do no business. I also don't have enough familiarity with the exact compliance issues to ensure I stay in the good graces of the state administrator. I'd need to retain an attorney on an ongoing basis, I suspect. Way more hassle than it's worth.
I've got a couple emails out to a few firms just to give it a shot but if, as you say, the costs of retaining a licensed IAR are anything but very low, my odds are low.
For the benefit of those reading in the future, I'll give a bit of background: I confused not needing a sponsor to take the test with not needing an RIA to hang my license under to be officially licensed. You can't be independent just because you passed the test.
So it looks like I wasted time and a few hundred bucks with the series 65 exam. Oh well.