Quote from @Michael Baum:
Quote from @Henry T.:
Half the houses out there are illegal with no permits. You can take your chances I guess. They don't allow STR around there, not legally anyway.
Just curious how you found that out? I looked at the area and the rules of the place and I couldn't find anything restricting STRs. There are quite a few on VRBO.
They may be wrong, as far as the part about restricting STVRs. I recall reading there are some 150,000 of them on the Big island (how many are officially permitted though- I don't know). Anyone buying one should seriously research what's possible and be aware there is a move to restrict these short term rentals on Hawaii, as there was recently on Oahu (successfully).
My understanding though is that HPP itself has no defined building codes. They are simply governed under the codes of Hawaii county. Hawaii county does have all the applications and extensive information online about STVRs. It would behoove anyone interested in doing this to not only read up on the current regulations, but to also speak to people "on the ground" in Hawaii county that could guide them on the current environment- legally and politically. No one wants to invest in a property that may soon become illegal or regulated out of business.
I would say they may very well be correct in the assertion that "half the houses out there are illegal with no permits" though. In the past, HPP has had a bit of a reputation that almost "anything goes" as far as structures on these properties. My recollection is that it was started as a massive block of 1 acre Ag. zoned properties (I would probably read up on that zoning as well if I wanted to legally do a STVR) and it has always seemed to attract people that want to live inexpensively in Hawaii with minimal oversight- hence I've seen structures of all sorts offered there in the past.
Some Hawaii county links-
Short-Term Vacation Rentals
Online Application Links
Potential "Sweeping Changes" Coming