Originally posted by @Dennis Lanni:
Can you buy out buyer who might sue you? Get him out of the way. Now they don't have a loss. On that idea can you sell out for breakeven?
Possession is the key in my mind (attorneys always underestimate this). If I was out there I would move in with the son or rent out my "alleged" fractional interest for supercheap :) Which is whatever my title policy shows (unless its not in my favor).
Review the eviction paperwork and your title report / policy (re-file the eviction again (perhaps an ejectment is needed??, also ask/"tell" the clerk she is wrong (might need "pretty attorney paper to get heard).
Another idea is to talk with the other 3 ex-owners and tell them what this kid is doing (buy their claims because the kid did not pay the mortgage -I like contribution lawsuits for stuff like this).
Good luck & have fun - on the bright side you can move into your new pad and save a few bucks in rent.
I thought about writing a check and getting a release, but there are too many parties involved. What if the E&O writes a check, and they are the ones to come after me, what if it's the title co, or the 25% guy? Do you know what I mean?
The guy is crazy, you wouldn't even want to talk to him at the door, let alone forcefully move in. He's addicted to something (heroin?).
If I were the buyers I would try the eviction again and demand better proof for their denial of possession. I'll mention that to them and maybe they'll attempt it.
I'm not sure I understand your comment about the ex-owners. They have no interest in the property anymore, it was lost with the foreclosure.