Today's market in New York attracts so many wannabe's investors and property scouts that don't really knows what they are doing , approaching homeowners of crappy houses promising them bag full of cash (way above market value) and trying to market the property to new investors that going to loose their pants in the nearly future, NO ONE can convince me that a crappy two family frame house in bushwick NY worth 800k it is just De-Javier of 2007 right before the big crisis. back then i saw some smart *** investors buying houses just like today with their 401k and hard money loans and lost everything in few month. Homeowners taking advantage of this crazy chaos and become more and more greedy. the market now start showing some signs that made experianced investors laughing their *** out seeing some new investors starting to sweat......big big LOL...$5 seminars are great way to loose money and will get these guys to nowhere. opm (other people money) is a great way to secure financial future if you know what you are doing but spending that like its monopoly money thats a big NO NO last but not list ...saw a deal today two young "Investors" bought 2 family in east new york for 400k......LMAO
We still buying houses, land and Buildings all cash in NORMAL prices.
Good Luck you all