Well here goes.....I am an ex employee. I only was there a little over 2-3 weeks and I had a feeling something was not right and was in the process of finding another job. Here is my observations of everythng:
1. Oneal NEVER left out of his office and him and security was the only ones allowed to go in there.
2. He NEVER interacted with his employees. I talked to one of my ex co-workers and they stated that it took him a month to just acknowledge him.
3. He handled ALL the transaction that occurred (as for as wiring your money). I always found that weird since that simple duty could have went to anybody in accounting or bookkeeping.
4. He fired almost ALL of his employees around the beginning of the year and hired an entire new staff. He had just obtain an HR manager 2 months ago. So basically everyone who was there working for him came February 2006 and later. Why he fired his entire staff but a couple is beyond my knowledge and when I ask was told to nothing.
5. Individuals he hired was newly college graduates who never really had job experience. Since everything has happen, I realize he did this NOT to give them a chance and obtain job experience, BUT because he KNEW that they would not recognize some things.
6. As for as employee knowing what was going on, I cannot say if everybody knew, BUT I can say that the higher ups did now something. They had to.....Individuals such as myself who did not working in Consulting, Accounting, or Bookkeeping had no idea. I truly believe that three departments I just named only was recieving limited information. Scripts to say.
7. When the WSJ article came out, we had a general meeting and this is what was told to us by ONeal himself: It is not his fault, he always wanted to be able to say that he was good to his employee and investors. That Kunkel (the attorney) had purposely misinformed him and that the reason everything was going wrong was because of the partnership agreements. We were not being investigated by the SEC. That we were working at a legitmate business and that we all had job security.
8. After this meeting, him and 3 other individuals started having private meetings. They stop including management personnel nor HR. People were getting very upset and we had to have general meetings every other day seem like it because we were wanting answers to questions. However they would continue to give us the run around.
9. This is when individuals started quitting or looking for new employment. A group of us went on the web and found this site. We were amazed at the things we read. Trust you cannot blame the entire company. How would facilities, shipping and recieving, assistants, receptionists, etc. know the in and outs of what ONeal and senior management do? We were treated like we were not important and we could be replace at moments notice.
10. We have been burned just like you. We put our trust into someone just like you. I have ex-coworker who did not come in on Wednesday because he was closing on a home. We were trying to contac him as soon as we found out but it was to late. We have several employees that just purchase homes. A lot of individuals was affected by his doing.
11. We truly trusted him and his senior management until the secreacy started 2 weeks ago. HOWEVER Wednesday we realize that the senior management were just as lost as we (how, I do not know).
12. It really hit the fan when on Wednesday, security went into his office and found the office CLEANED OUT!!!! He could not even face his employees and tell them that SEC was coming and we no longer had jobs. His poor assistant was always not in the loop and I think that he had only been working here 2 months. Did not even warn him. We found out about EVERYTHING moments before SEC walk into the doors and said basically, you no longer have jobs. So add another 50-60 angry individuals to that 2000.
13. We may not have lost lots of dollars, but we did lose steady income, these newly grads will have to face the fact of what the next employer would think. So please consider everyones feelings.
14. Wondering why no one will say anything on here? Well lets see.....Maybe they are worried that somehow it can be traced back to who actually wrote it. Maybe people are worried about their safety.
So with all that said, I hope I bought some claity to the situation regarding the employees. I am not saying that everyone was innocent but the ratio of innocent to guilty (85-15). Nevertheless if some of you still feel like we were the bad guys, completely understand. I just wanted our side to be told. Every since Wednesday, I have been consoling individuals who ALSO feel like they have lost EVERYTHING.