I'm trying to learn as much as possible and for now my "main" lessons would be:
1 Get off the couch now
2 You make your profit when you buy
3 Cash(flow) is King
4 Treat this as a business not as a hobby
I live in Holland and over here EVERYTHING is regulated and real estate is no exception. For example:
You can not charge too much rent for a given appartment (max would be app 600,= EUR/month)
You can not evict renter: renter protection is really extreme
You can not raise yearly rent by more than the inflation rate (this year 1.6%)
Most mortgage's are guaranteed by a special fund in case of default
I'm targetting on appartments with after repairs value 100.000,= EUR (give or take). Due to the above restrictions it's (to my knowledge anyhow) impossible to buy these appartments for less than 65%-70% ARV (already rented out).
ARV: 100.000,=
Price: 65.000,= (including renter)
Buyer cost: 6.500,= (10% over here)
Equity: 28.500,=
On average people will move every 7-8 years. So if I sell after the renter is moved I will ge the equity out (and any principal repayment on the mortgage the renter paid for). The financing part:
Total investment 71.500,=
Mortgage 50.000,= => 300,=/month (@6%, 30yr)
=> 0 (initial) CASHFLOW
Downpayment 21.500,=
What do you think about this? I feel a bit mixed because my lessons 2 & 3 seem to be conflicting.....
Any thought very much appreciated (Oh, conservative estimate above, no appreciations...)
Greetz, Raymond