Hello All, I am a CPA that has been working with opportunity zone since they came out and wanted to pass along some information and thoughts I had on them.
1. Must roll capital gains into a Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) and hold for 10 years to get the permanent exclusion benefit. Your original capital gain will be deferred until December 31, 2026 in this case and you'll only pay on 85% of the original amount. (Example - $100,000 capital gain rolled into a QOF, pay tax on $85,000 capital gain on December 31, 2026 if your investment in the QOF is still held at that point). Good time value of money savings here, but the big one is the permanent exclusion after 10 years.
2. You can roll your investment from one QOF to another and still maintain compliance with the 10-year rule as long as you dispose of your entire interest in the QOF and roll it into another qualifying QOF within 180 days.
3. You must substantially improve the property. This means doubling the adjusted basis within any 30-month time period. Adjusted basis does not include land value. Example - buy an old apartment building for $1,000,000 ($400,000 allocated to land, $600,000 allocated to building). You then need to increase your basis by $600,000 to "substantially improve" the property.
4. In concert with the above substantial improvement stipulation, you can benefit by substantially improving the property at the same time 100% bonus depreciation is available (until January 1, 2023). Below is a visual chart depicting this, from an article I wrote for my company's website on the topic ( https://www.withum.com/resources/substantial-impro... )
Note the 30-month substantial improvement doesn't have to be where it is shown below, its stipulated in the Internal Revenue Code as being any 30 month period.
5. 90% rule - a QOF must hold 90% of its assets in qualifying opportunity zone property. This can be stock, partnership interest, or business property. This will be measured semi-annually to ensure compliance. Example - QOF has $1,000,000 of capital gains rolled into it. It must have $900,000 tied up in opportunity zone property within 180 days. Limited to a max of just $100,000 cash on hand.
6. 70% Substantially All Requirement - A qualified opportunity zone business must have 70% of its tangible property be QO Zone Business Property.
7. Combine the two and you can have additional cash on hand - an LLC (the qualified opportunity zone business) would invest in the real estate directly and the QOF would own a partnership interest in the LLC. 90% x 70% = 63% invested into real estate and more room for cash on hand earmarked for future improvements / development. Much more flexibility here than the QOF investing directly into the real estate.
8. 31 month rule - working capital safe harbor for cash on hand. If you have a written schedule (and eventually spend cash according to the schedule) you can have cash on hand that doesn't count against you for the above 90% and 70% rules for 31 months. This is very favorable for putting cash aside that qualifies for the permanent exclusion and will be used to substantially improve property a year or two down the line.
9. Partners in a partnership - if your partnership has a capital gain and does not elect to defer it at the partnership level, each individual partner can elect to defer their respective portion of the capital gain into a QOF. In this case, they may have additional time over and above the 180 day rule to roll the gain amount into a QOF. They'd have 180 days on the first day the partnership would be required to pick up the gain as taxable income. So for example, calendar year partnership with four partners, they have a capital gain of $400,000 on May of 2018. The first day it would be recognized by the partnership would be January 1, 2019 - so the individual partners would have until June 30, 2019 to roll their respective $100,000 capital gains into a QOF. This is much more advantageous than the otherwise noted rule for individuals to roll over the gain amounts by November 2018 (180 months from the capital gain).
Please feel free to reach out or respond if you have any questions - I know this can be a lot, but I am excited to share my knowledge of the program with others, continue to learn, and help out in any way I can.