Hey guys thank you for all the replies. I will try to answer all of the questions as best as I can.
The property is in Florida in the Tampa area and I am in Chicago.
So @Bruce Scannell asked why the owner was selling, especially with a tenant. According to the listing agent, the owner purchased the unit to live in but had to relocate because their job changed locations. The owner rented never intending to be a landlord or have an investment property. It was just temporary and so they have decided to sell
@Jeff Valentino I want the property because Tampa is growing at the moment, but also because we vacation there at least once a year and love the area. My 5 year plan is to become financially independent of my current employer and eventually move down to that area. I feel its a good time to buy and has a lot of potential for a flip.
@Anthony Angotti
The tenant currently is not under a lease. Its month to month and the rent is $1300. Way too low. So I would do my own background check on the tenant and negotiate a 1 year lease with a rent increase. The agent sent comps for rentals and I can easily get $1450. I would list it a $1500.
@Mindy Jensen
I have not seen the property in person. Before I make an offer I would fly down to inspect it myself. I work full time and make a good wage. While I dont always have as much as $5000 set aside, I usually have additional income throughout the month. I mentioned in the previous paragraph that the lease is month to month. The tenant is paying $1300. I would likely raise to $1500 based on comps
@Thomas S. So the numbers look something like this.
Purchase price $170,000, taxes $3000, insurance $1200, Association Fee $130. Depending on how the loan works out, Im anticipating paying $1250 and renting for $1500
To some of the experienced investors, Im guessing you will say the margins are not large enough. Im not dead set on this property, but it can serve a dual purpose if I do decide to move down there. In the event of a long vacancy, I can handle the mortgage. It would be difficult but I can do it if I have to.