@Jonathan Klemm - I’ve wanted to move out of Illinois since I was 16, and it’s out of preference and I figured I could find a good state and location within the state to get started with investing into properties. An emerging market or just a healthy market. My goals are to set my self up in the future with enough passive income to sustain myself and not have to have a job apart from real estate. I just don’t know how to start that process while moving out of state and trying to find somewhere to live while I begin investing.
@Will Fraser - The 4-plex idea you mentioned sounds fine with me, however for this being my first ever real estate investment, I find that daunting. Would you suggest a single family home? Perhaps a duplex? I would need a place to reside while starting to invest, for I am moving out of state. So a live-in MFH sounds like the best move to give me a place to begin my other projects, but to my understanding they need large down payments, as opposed to SF homes that can be worked around. Say I had $50,000. Would that be enough to get me going with a MFH?